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The King of Pawleys is a fast-paced story that’s perfect for boys, girls, and parents alike. Even if you’ve never been to – or even heard of – Pawleys Island, the characters are relatable, the mystery will keep you guessing, and the ending will forever change the way you think about a summer vacation!

David Bernstein
David Bernstein is a lifelong Pawleys vacationer and a lover of hammocks, crabbing, and all things Arrogantly Shabby.

The King of Pawleys
is a riveting middle grade mystery set on Pawleys Island. Learn about Pawleys Island by clicking the link below.

IndieReader Review
The King of Pawleys received an amazing 5-star review from IndieReader! Check it out by clicking below.
IndieReader Discovery Awards
The King of Pawleys place first place in the Children’s (Early to intermediate readers) category for the 2019 IndieReader Discovery Awards!